
Edbrix Products

To learn more about any of the Brix listed below, go to the . Integrate any of these applications or implement them individually. 

  • AppBrix

    Build an easy-to-administrate mobile application for your school or district

  • AssignBrix

    Reduce reliance on paper assignments and create automated and personalized assignments using various digital content sources

  • ContentBrix

    With your mobile or desktop device, digitally deliver lessons in real-time or record them for later using advanced whiteboarding and modern video conferencing technology

  • EvalBrix

    Centrally manage professional development and teacher evaluation with prescribed online PD programs based on regular, ongoing teacher evaluations and documented standards

  • EventBrix

    Create and manage public or internal school event invitations and attendee communications for any purpose, from school plays to teacher PD events

  • FormBrix

    Design customized, mobile-ready and user-friendly forms to securely gather student or teacher information

  • GameBrix

    Motivate students with an interactive and engaging educational gaming engine that instantly turns teacher assignments and content into video games that students want to play

  • JobBrix

    Efficiently post job opportunities using templates and centrally manage job applications

  • KnowledgeBrix

    Curate digital content from any source into online courses or resource libraries for students and teachers

  • LevelBrix

    Track individual student progress toward achieving personalized goals to become successful in college, career, and life after secondary school

  • MessageBrix

    Communicate with students, families, teachers, and administrators via group and 1-to-1 over SMS text, email, or voice message channels

  • SecurityBrix

    Leverage centralized communications, important information, and GPS tracking to facilitate quick responses to unexpected events ranging from student altercations to emergencies and incidents

  • WebBrix

    Create a website with a user-friendly administrative interface and templates to keep your community up-to-date on school programs, activities, events, achievements, and more