
NetFoundry Webinars

Start Your Zero Trust Journey with NetFoundry

Galeal Zino, the CEO at NetFoundry discussed:

  • How to begin to implement the solution
  • Where to start on your zero trust journey
  • Why zero trust is important to you and your agency
  • What makes it different from traditional connectivity methods

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Understanding SASE: Why the Future of Network Security is in the Cloud

During this webinar, attendees learned:

  • Basics of SASE and how to begin leveraging SASE to protect your agency
  • Why SASE and Zero Trust matter to you and your agency
  • Where SASE fits better than traditional network services

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Secure and Reliable Connectivity Between Customers and Software Services 

During this webinar, Greg Shields and Kevin Hancock discussed:

  • Challenges of traditional connectivity models for connecting to clouds
  • Why businesses did not move all applications to the cloud
  • How to overcome challenges of traditional connectivity models with NaaS

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