
REI Systems State & Local Solution

GovGrants® provides capabilities across the grants management life-cycle – from planning to close-out- for both grant makers and grant recipients. GovGrants is modular, with the native ability to configure each of the out-of-the-box capabilities to meet the specific business processes, approvals, and workflows of your agency.


GovGrants offers the time to value of off-the-shelf solutions while providing the flexibility and configurability of custom-developed software. GovGrants, as built and deployed by REI, will provide agencies with the following benefits:

  • Single point of data entry

    GovGrants will reduce the level of effort of both Sub-Grantees and Agency users, improve overall data quality, enhance reporting capabilities, and provide real-time visibility into grant application, approval, and performance status.

  • Configurable, modular business processes

    The underlying business processes can be easily configured by business users to meet specific program needs鈥攚ithout reliance on specialized IT staff. GovGrants will become an Agency鈥檚 process management tool from grant announcement through all application, review, award, and closeout steps with a complete transaction tracking capability that lasts as long as you want to retain the data.

  • Rapid deployment

    GovGrants can be put into production quickly by leveraging the native features of the Salesforce platform, including out-of-the-box forms, workflows, business rules, reporting, and dashboards.

  • Seamless software updates and upgrades

    System updates and upgrades are automatically pushed to an already deployed system, substantially reducing the burden on IT staff to manage constant upgrades and patches while allowing for an 鈥渆vergreen and future-proof鈥 solution.

  • Lower total cost of ownership (TCO)

    As a cloud-based solution, GovGrants means no new server-side hardware and infrastructure costs associated with deployment. GovGrants also provides automated failover resulting in near 100% uptime and unlimited scalability to support any number of users without the need for a proprietary data center and capital investments.

  • Mobile-ready and social collaboration-enabled solution

    GovGrants adheres to today鈥檚 IT applications performance and usability best practices.

  • Full conformance to IT standards

    REI is mindful of adherence to prevailing IT standards and is focused on reducing the risks associated with software development and sustainment. Three platform maintenance and enhancement upgrades are provided each year without service interruption and no change in prices.

  • Focus on quality, security, and performance

    REI is an ISO 9001:2008 company with mature quality processes. We are also a Software Engineering Institute鈥檚 Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Development Level 3 company with proven software development lifecycle processes, standards, and best practices.

  • Configure once, use everywhere multi-tenant paradigm

    GovGrants is built to be extensible and architected to allow for easy expansion across grant programs and granting agencies with minimal incremental costs. Each grant program or agency can use GovGrants鈥 end-to-end grants management services, configured to each program鈥檚 specific needs, staff, and processes. With minimal training when transitioning to the new system, this multi-tenant and cost-effective approach to grants management will also reduce the overall cost of IT operations, while enhancing granting performance.