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Secure Your Information with Atlassian Knowledge Management Solutions

Manual processes slow down operations and make it difficult for an agency to keep pace with changes in the technology industry. With knowledge management, the public sector can better meet their organization’s requirements for data storage and access, content creation, and information sharing.

Atlassian helps government organizations improve their ITIS, ITSM and service desk processes with knowledge management solutions. Atlassian’s knowledge management solutions are secure and give organizations the flexibility of collaboration across various sources and silos.

Atlassian can help make your agency's knowledge more secure by:

  • Hosting an open and connected platform directly tied to your work
  • Serving as a centralized, organized and searchable knowledge hub
  • Delivering enterprise-grade security for knowledge management

Download the resources to learn about Atlassian’s secure knowledge management solutions.

Centralize Knowledge Management to Adapt to Change
8 Steps to Implementing a Knowledge Management Program at Your Agency
Building a Legendary Service Desk: A Quick Guide to Modern ITSM