

SandboxAQ’s AQBioSim platform accelerates drug discovery by generating new molecules, simulating quantum-chemical  interactions between drug compounds and  target proteins, and, enabling researchers to make precise property predictions over libraries of millions. With our solution, you can:

  • identify promising new drug compounds faster,
  • significantly reduce R&D time, cost and risk,
  • increase chances for success at clinical trials,
  • accelerate safer, more effective treatments to market
  • improve patient outcomes, which extends patent lifetimes and generates revenue faster.

Simulating and analyzing quantum molecular interactions provides previously unattainable insights and ab initio data that biopharma and academic researchers are currently using to make breakthroughs in treatments for cancer, Alzheimer’s and other ‘undruggable’ conditions.​​​

Blog: Biopharma’s Quantum Leap

Blog: Clarivate Named SandboxAQ a “Company to Watch” for AI/ML use in Drug Discovery and Life Sciences

Blog: Accelerating Drug Development and De-risking Drug Portfolios with AI+Quantum

Blog: Safeguarding Healthcare: The Urgent Need for Post-Quantum Cryptography and Zero Trust Architectures

Datasheet: AI + Quantum (AQ) Simulations for Drug Discovery