
Keep APIs Safe with Comprehensive, Continuous Security Testing

Find API vulnerabilities before they get to production

APIsec offers the only API security testing platform that automatically discovers security vulnerabilities and logic flaws in APIs — before they get to production. The APIsec platform automatically creates thousands of attack scenarios customized for your API, providing complete API test coverage and continuous visibility.

Find the most serious API threats

APIsec finds critical flaws in API logic that attackers target to gain access to sensitive data. Unlike traditional security solutions that look for common security issues, such as injection attacks and cross site scripting, APIsec pressure-tests the entire API to ensure no endpoints can be exploited.

Discover vulnerabilities before production

With APIsec you’ll know about vulnerabilities in your APIs before they get into production where hackers can exploit them. Run APIsec tests on your APIs at any stage of the development cycle to identify loopholes that can unintentionally give attackers access to sensitive data and functionality.

Security at the speed of DevOps

Security doesn’t have to slow down Development. APIsec runs at the speed of DevOps, giving you continuous visibility into the security of your APIs. No need to wait for the next scheduled pen-test, APIsec tests complete in minutes.

APIsec pressure-tests the entire API before it gets into production where hackers can access sensitive data and functionality. Run APIsec tests on your APIs at any stage of the development cycle to identify critical flaws in API logic to ensure no endpoints can be exploited.

  • Continuous testing that keeps up with development.
  • Automated test creation ensures APIs are fully examined.
  • Executes complete API test suites in minutes.
  • No agents, no source-code access, nothing inline.
  • Tests every endpoint and method against OWASP risks.
  • Integrates with orchestration, API platforms and ticketing.