
Avisare Solutions for the Public Sector

Avisare SaaS Modules Guide

Avisare SaaS Modules Guide

Avisare SaaS Modules Guide

Avisare’s cloud-based SaaS platform streamlines the procurement process and enables companies and local governments to make a positive impact by purchasing from local, small, minority and women-owned businesses.

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Vendor Registration & Management

This solution provides an interface that can be used to manage vendors. It includes a searchable database of vendor profiles within a designated region as well as a searchable directory of vendors for vendors and other primes to see. This also includes activity tracking of vendor profile views, classification of vendors by tags, and record management.

Certification Application Builder & Workflow Management

This solution allows you to create and edit applications in the application builder. It enables users to manage certification applications and notifies vendors of status updates. This includes a workflow management tool that includes a Certification template library, data that shows the average time to process for each team member, and more.

RFP (Request for Proposal) Creation, Submission, & Reporting

Use this tool to create, manage, and publish all bid submission types. This interface allows you to attach and upload multiple document file formats, edit and amend posted RFPs, and easily build RFP templates without needing coding. It also includes automatic monitoring of bid activity and documents viewed by each prospective bidder.

Project Forecasting

This interface allows users to plan, track, and manage upcoming and current projects. This will automatically track the history of forecasts in one view, and it allows vendors to follow forecasts to stay updated on progress. The system will also automatically match relevant vendors with forecast opportunities.

Q&A Workflow Management

This tool allows vendors to ask questions publicly or anonymously with the date, time, and ID stamped and visible to all. Admins are then allowed to publicly answer, delete, or block questions.

Electronic Bid Management

This interface allows for electronic submission of bids and proposals via a secure connection. It also allows users to easily build and save Bid templates by uploading excel templates by uploading excel files to an internal library without any coding necessary. You can automatically notify all bidders of award or other bid activity. Bidders can upload relevant documents, images, and notes to responses, and they can electronically sign and accept electronic documents.