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Data is the by-product of every digital action taken by USDA mission areas, partners and by the public communities that it supports. Across all mission areas from food safety to rural development or farm production, every system, process and sensor generates data. Information technology makes it easier for organizations to collect, store and share data. Too often though, data doesn鈥檛 get to the people at the 鈥減oint of contact鈥 who need it to make better decisions and create more tailored experiences for end users.

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In order to best serve constituents, government needs to modernize its data infrastructure. That being said, they often have to deal with legacy systems that are highly heterogeneous and siloed. Read the solution brief to learn how Confluent enables agencies to efficiently modernize their date environments with event-driven data streaming.

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As the Space Force and SPACECOM respond to growing international threats with a new generation of communications, positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) meteorological and space-based sensors, there is a commitment to leave to history the stove-piped and proprietary data systems built to support a single constellation or even a single space-based platform. A data mesh is a data architecture that distributes data ownership and governance to the teams that create and use the data. This approach can improve security, data quality and data access and sharing while helping to ensure the most stringent security and access controls.

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Data Fabric is incorporated data that connects processes. Creating a central connective tissue that conducts data across organizations allows for data to stay in motion, becoming available across the enterprise as it is created and available to those who need it precisely when they need it. Confluent's Platform provides monitoring, encryption and security capabilities that allow for the handling of the most sensitive data sets for critical mission operations while preserving the speed, flexibility, and scalability of Kafka.

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Adding applications and data sources to traditional messaging applications can be incredibly time-consuming, complex and expensive. In this session, experts will discuss how Confluent simplifies this process by removing operational complexities with a decoupled event-driven infrastructure so you can build business logic faster.

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Efficient and secure data sharing is a key requirement for government agencies. Confluent powers event streaming to provide your team with current and relevant data in the technology platform of your choice. This approach allows agencies to act immediately based on real-time data. In this session, Confluent will discuss how to effectively meet mission needs by breaking down data management silos across agency teams.

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Confluent Public Sector- knows government missions are driven by a constant stream of events, and that success depends on the ability to react as quickly as possible. Confluent offers an enterprise event streaming platform built by the original creators of Apache Kafka庐. Confluent enables government agencies to utilize data as a continually updating stream of events, rather than discrete snapshots. Run your agency by building real-time applications with historical context - all based on a universal event pipeline.

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As government agencies at every level鈥攕tate, local, and federal鈥攅mbrace digital transformation, a complete data picture, available in real time, is critical. This 鈥渋n the moment鈥 experience will drive more effective decision-making and services. Of course gathering this data is not easy. It requires reaching across bureau, component, agency, and department boundaries and integrating an ever-increasing number of applications, platforms, sensors, and IoT devices. How can government entities transform the way they work with data to protect the public, improve infrastructure, manage transportation, and more?

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Threats from our adversaries are constantly evolving; the US Department of Defense (DoD) must also evolve at the speed of relevance. As an example, the US Air Force has embraced DevSecOps, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), and Continuous Authority to Operate (CATO) as part of an effort to boost agility and responsiveness to changing requirements and speed of operations. This initiative has become a priority across the PlatformONE-affililated software factories and increasingly across the entire DoD.

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In construction the saying, 鈥渕easure twice cut once鈥 is a mantra that helps avoid re-work and wasted material. IT operations professionals are finding that flipping that saying into 鈥済ather once use many鈥 can reap similar rewards. Until recently hardware, tools, and applications have been focused not only on the tasks for which they were designed for but also on using and managing data for these tasks. This means that teams continually pull and replicate the same data over and over in order to do the analysis needed to perform their specific tasks, which has resulted in duplicative and siloed information throughout the organization.

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Up-to-the-minute data can better serve citizens while helping build a digital-first government. The sheer volume, velocity, variety, and veracity of data being generated today will continue its exponential growth. Tune in to hear our esteemed panel of experts, featuring Confluent鈥檚 Will LaForest, address how to leverage information as a strategic asset.

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Watch Pritha Mehra, CIO and Executive VP at USPS discuss how Confluent has helped USPS achieve its mission.

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Until recently hardware, tools, and applications have been focused not only on the tasks for which they were designed for but also on using and managing data for these tasks. This means that teams continually pull and replicate the same data over and over in order to do the analysis needed to perform their specific tasks, which has resulted in duplicative and siloed information throughout the organization. This continual recall, storage, and processing of data is expensive in terms of costs and resources and with the current rate of data expansion is quickly becoming untenable. These costs can be mitigated by flipping the focus from tool-centric to data-centric. Data-centricity not only makes business and operational sense, but (for government organizations) is part of the M-21-31 guidance. That document鈥檚 focus on centralized access and visibility for security operation centers (SOC) and the need to quickly share information will require a shift in how data is accessed and used.

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Confluent is a data streaming platform that enables you to integrate and process large amounts of customer data at scale, from a variety of different sources that exist in your departmental and technology silos, across a distributed data estate.

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Fraud continues to evolve without boundaries. Responsiveness needs to be agile. Fraud detection is an integral part of your firm but unauthorized transactions do slip through the net, bleeding money in reimbursement costs long after the compromise. Your business can continue to suffer revenue losses or recoup the money by investing in a smarter, predictive platform. The solution lies in harnessing the quality data already on your data platform.

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Watch Will LaForest, Field CTO, Confluent discuss how government agencies achieve their critical mission using a data in motion architecture.

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Government today understands that data is central to everything it does, helping ensure the success of missions and citizen services. But delivering these types of experiences that constituents and decision-makers expect requires a new way of thinking, along with a new set of requirements for data infrastructure. It鈥檚 not just a matter of bolting on an application or automating existing business processes. Instead, it requires an end-to-end transformation that creates a real-time flow of data across projects, lines of business programs and missions.

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In light of the global pandemic, The University of California, San Diego had to shut down on-campus facilities, resulting in a loss of millions of dollars every month. The university felt immense pressure to transition and build out their online learning platform, ultimately transforming how they serve their students, employees, researchers, and IT admins. Learn how UC San Diego leveraged Confluent solutions to reduce Time-to-Value for Core Business Processes.

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In the latest Confluent webinar, experts discussed to cost-effectively streamline your agency's data modernization efforts. Access the slide presentation to learn more about Confluent鈥檚 data modernization capabilities and the most effective ways to modernize data with the Confluent Platform.

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Meeting the expectations of today鈥檚 citizen is dependent upon delivering a responsive, and personalized experience. Influenced by the apps they use to complete everyday tasks, citizens and federal workers alike hold a high standard expectation for digital experiences that guide them through unfamiliar processes. Confluent enables government to treat data as a continually updating stream of events, rather than static snapshots in time. This means you can serve your constituents with the most personalized, context rich services by building applications that combine real-time data with historical and contextual data.

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Confluent Platform is the leading data-in-motion software, from the creators of Apache Kafka in response to the explosive growth and adoption of Kafka, a highly-scalable, event-driven open source software project capable of processing trillions of events per day. Download the whitepaper to learn how the Confluent Platform can meet the requirements of complex enterprises like the USDA鈥檚.

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Understanding how to harness data in support of federal initiatives and use it in innovative ways remains a challenge and opportunity for many government agencies. Access the resource to learn about how Confluent delves into the challenges of innovation in an evolving technology landscape and how data has become a vital part of government innovation efforts.

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Confluent participated in the 2022 FCW Data Innovation Workshop on February 23, 2022. Take a look at how Confluent powers the government with data in motion by accessing the slide presentation.

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Built and operated by the original creators of Apache Kafka, Confluent Cloud is the industry鈥檚 only fully managed, cloud-native event streaming service powered by Kafka. Confluent Cloud enables enterprises to transform Kafka into a central nervous system for all data in motion.

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Confluent Platform delivers Mission-Ready Kafka, making it more secure, more consumable and more resilient. It extends and completes the Apache Kafka event streaming platform with advanced Flexibility, Durability, and Security features that accelerate application development and integration, enable event transformations through stream processing and simplify enterprise operations at scale, while meeting the strict security guidelines required by our DoD customers.

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