
CrashPlan Solutions for the Public Sector

CrashPlan® Backup and Recovery enables organizational resilience through secure, scalable, and straightforward endpoint data backup. With automatic backup and customizable file version retention, you can bounce back from any data calamity. What starts as endpoint backup and recovery becomes a solution for ransomware recovery, breaches, migrations, and legal holds.

Since 2007, CrashPlan has been protecting vital data in the public sector. From university research to city-planning documents, CrashPlan will automatically and securely protect your data from destruction. CrashPlan’s time-based version retention and legal-hold functionality mean that data remains discoverable and available long after deletion or employee departure to enable seamless compliance with the most stringent data retention and records preservation policies.

CrashPlan’s use-cases including Ransomware Recovery, Device Migration, Legal Hold, and Disaster Recovery are tailored to the specific data resiliency issues faced by Higher Education, State and Local Governments, and Federal agencies.

  • Device Migration

    CrashPlan makes it trivial to move between machines. Whether hardware failure or a refresh cycle dictates the cause, CrashPlan will restore all important data (including profile information on Windows) to a freshly imaged machine in minutes. CrashPlan’s algorithmic restore functionality means that the files your user needs most are at their fingertips while everything else restores in the background. CrashPlan’s device migration wizard makes it trivial to bounce back while reducing IT overhead and user downtime.

  • Ransomware Recovery

    The best solution to the threat of ransomware is a strong backup. Regardless of how strong defenses are, bad actors find weak points. Leveraging the core of CrashPlan’s device migration wizard and versioning, it’s simple to walk-away unscathed from any ransomware scenario. Simply start with a sanitized system and then run back the clock by restoring a version of data from right before infection. No need to pay the ransom and users are back up and running at lightning speed.

  • Legal Hold
  • Disaster Recovery

    Devices are fragile. CrashPlan will make sure that the machine in front of your user is completely replaceable regardless of what seeks to destroy it. With geographically isolated data centers and purpose built storage solutions, CrashPlan provides an immutable, hardened store from which to recover vital data following a catastrophe. CrashPlan’s version retention and automatic backups mean that it will grab the latest version of files as long as the device being used has a network connection.