
Cyberbit Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Cyber range

    The cyber range simulates a Security Operations Center with enterprise grade networks, commercial security tools, including cloud security tools, and reverse-engineered real-world cyber-attacks, allowing for maximum realism and highly effective hands-on training.

  • Crisis Simulation

    The crisis simulator delivers dynamically evolving, hyper-realistic crisis simulations that bring together executive teams and SOC teams. While the technical team tries to solve and investigate, the executive team simulates the internal and decision-making processes required at the management level during a cyber crisis while collaborating with the information security team.

  • Catalog
    • Life-Fire Exercises – Live-fire exercises are hyper-realistic simulations of real-world cyber-attack scenarios. The scenarios use multiple infection methods and inflict actual damage on virtual network components such as data integrity, service availability, and loss of confidentiality.
    • Cyber Labs – Hands-on cyber labs focus on skills or topics that fill theoretical gaps, perfect skills, and build foundational knowledge in a logical sequence.
    • Spotlights – Spotlights are video and text-based learning modules designed to create a strong foundational knowledge of cybersecurity that significantly improve professional skills and allow for more advanced hands-on skill development.
    • Cyberbit Courses – Cyberbit provides a variety of out-of-the-box courses that focus training time on the knowledge or skills required for specific roles and start with entry-level topics, advancing in terms of difficulty. Courses can also be customized according to different roles, training needs, onboarding, processes etc., so organizations can design learning paths that support their requirements.
  • Skill Development and Readiness Management and Measurement
    • MITRE ATT&CK and NIST NICE KSA&Ts – Key industry frameworks such as the MITRE ATT&CK Framework and NICE Work Roles and NICE Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Tasks are integrated into the Cyberbit platform to ensure that teams are aligned with industry best practices.
    • Dashboards – Dashboards allow security team managers to track and benchmark their teams’ progress and align training steps according to objectives. Individual progress can also be measured and benchmarked.
    • Automated Assessment – In addition to evaluation based on lab quizzes, automated assessment during live-fire exercises enables performance-based evaluation of detection, investigation, and remediation knowledge and abilities.