
Deliver Instant Self-Service Access to All of your Data for Analytics.

Organizations of all sizes are struggling with growing data volumes. The explosion of data has led to data siloes in the form of data lakes and data warehouses, and cloud and on-premises environments. Many data teams are struggling to provide unified access to all of their data, to enable self-service, and to control the cost of their analytics architecture.

Why choose Dremio?

  • Dremio is the easy and open data lakehouse, enabling data teams to provide self-service access to all of their data regardless of where it resides, without moving or copying the data from its source.
  • Dremio's query engine dramatically improves query performance and eliminates the need for BI cubes and extracts. It features query acceleration technology in the form of Reflections, which optimize how data is read for specific queries, so data consumers can analyze all of their data with no limits and data teams can meet performance SLAs.
  • Dremio's semantic layer provides an intuitive self-service UI for technical and non-technical data consumers to access, join, and query data, and collaborate with other data consumers across the organization. Dremio provides broad data access while centralizing governance and security.
  • Dremio is the only analytics solution that enables access to data across cloud and on-premises environments, in Hadoop and object storage data lakes, and in relational and noSQL databases.
  • Dremio simplifies data architectures by analyzing data directly in data stores, eliminating the need for complex ETL pipelines and multiple copies of the data, and dramatically reduces the Total Cost of Ownership of your data stack.
  • Dremio is an open analytics solution with many technology integrations for ingestion, transformation, security and governance, and Business Intelligence and Visualization, so data consumers can use the tools they know and love to work with data.

Organizations around the world have used Dremio to modernize their data stack, realizing the full value of their on-premises and cloud data lake investments, while providing business continuity throughout their modernization project. Many organizations have used Dremio to execute their data mesh strategy, providing the tools for domain owners to build, maintain, and share data products across their organizations.

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