
EdPower Solutions for the Public Sector

  • EdHub

    EdHub, formerly Mileposts, is our one stop data shop where you can upload all of your different data streams into one central view allowing an overall picture of each student. Understand how students are performing within tiers, if interventions are effective and/or appropriate as well as how behavior and attendance are affecting overall student performance.

    • 360 Degree Student Data Hub
    • Display data from multiple platforms in one central view.
    • Construct and track programs and plans.
    • Drive instructional effectiveness through a next generation SIS
  • EdFolio

    EdFolio, formerly Vitae, helps professionals develop their craft. EdFolio provides real time observation and evaluation options at your fingertips. Unlock your personal growth with real time coaching and observation, management center for PD courses, courses towards recertification and micro-credentialing.

    • Develop Your Craft
    • Real time coaching and observation.
    • Manage PD and micro-credentialing.
    • Unlock personal growth.
  • EdAssess

    EdAssess, formerly edifyAssess streamlines assessment administration. Choose from thousands of items aligned to state standards, as well as access to hundreds of pre-built assessments. Need an assessment on the fly? A quick create assessment builder is also available inside of EdAssess. Easily measure standards mastery while leveraging data to create personalized learning paths all driven by robust reporting.

    • Streamlined Assessment Administration
    • Choose from standards aligned item banks and hundreds of pre-built tests.
    • Measure standards mastery through robust reporting.
    • Leverage data to create personalized learning paths.
  • EdInsights

    EdInsights, a new offering, brings consultants to the door to help seamlessly organize raw data into actionable insights, while gaining critical knowledge and understanding with brilliant data visualization reporting. The data discussions and compilations help inform and guide instruction in real time.

    • Powerful Analytics
    • Results aggregated to inform instruction in real time.
    • Seamlessly organize raw data into actionable insights.
    • Gain critical knowledge and understanding through data visualization.