
EvolveWare Solutions for the Public Sector

Intellisys™ is the only web-based platform that automates the core processes enabling multiple pathways to application modernization, resulting in substantial time and effort savings while mitigating risk through the use of intelligent features and a phase-based approach. Intellisys supports the reverse engineering of applications written in 20+ programming languages using a patented machine-learning based technology to provide a complete set of graphical and non-graphical documentation artifacts with 100% automation. This allows organizations to start by developing a deep understanding of their applications through documentation that can be continuously updated as well as analysis of the code. If they decide to move forward with modernizing their applications, Intellisys also provides the following paths based on if an organization is pursuing a full business transformation initiative or a technology transformation initiative:

  • Agile Business Rules Extraction (Business Transformation): The first and only solution to extract the business rules or policies from an application in an automated manner without needing to freeze code.
  • Code Optimization and Migration (Technology Transformation): A unique solution to optimize the code prior to migrating it to a modern language and architecture, with no proprietary libraries or dependencies in the target code.

The platform supports two core goals: 

Application Assessment

  • Know what you have in order to plan where you want to go.

Intellisys’ Documentation & Analysis capabilities give government agencies the information needed to keep applications documented, identify potential legacy security vulnerabilities, train incoming support personnel, and make informed decisions on a path and plan to modernize. 

Application Modernization

  • Modernize your applications to meet business or technology transformation needs.

Intellisys’ Agile Business Rules Extraction capabilities enable agencies to understand and extract their high level policies in order to move their applications to a modern (GOTS/COTS) platform or rewrite their applications. And its Code Optimization & Migration capabilities give agencies the ability to optimize their code for minor enhancements and then migrate it to a modern language and architecture, to reduce dependency on legacy technology and rising legacy maintenance costs.