
iLAB Services for the Public Sector

  • Software Quality Assurance

    iLAB provides comprehensive assessment and improvement of software quality, ensuring that applications meet industry standards and end-user expectations. The service offerings include:

    • Total Quality Assurance: iLAB offers end-to-end quality assurance solutions for complex projects, addressing all aspects of software development. This includes thorough testing, defect management, and quality control processes.
    • Managed Software Testing: iLAB takes charge of the entire testing process for clients, including planning, executing, monitoring, and controlling all testing activities. This ensures that testing is performed efficiently and effectively.
  • Testing

    iLAB offers comprehensive software testing solutions, ensuring optimal functionality, robust security, and superior performance for dependable and reliable applications. The service offerings include:

    • Complete Software Testing: iLAB provides a suite of testing services that cover functional testing, performance testing, security testing, usability testing, and compatibility testing. This ensures that all aspects of the software are thoroughly evaluated.
    • Acceptance Testing: iLAB conducts end-user validation of software products, making it ideal for projects with specific user requirements or less complexity. This helps ensure that the software meets the expectations and needs of the intended users.
  • Workforce Solutions

    iLAB offers tailored workforce solutions that match clients with the right talent to support their software development needs. The service offerings include:

    • IT Staffing: iLAB provides IT professionals to support clients' IT operations on a temporary or permanent basis. This helps clients access the necessary expertise and resources to meet their staffing needs.
    • Strategic Consulting: iLAB offers IT subject matter experts who can offer expertise and guidance on various IT-related projects or initiatives. This helps clients make informed decisions and optimize their IT strategies.
  • Testing Optimization

    iLAB provides services aimed at optimizing the testing process and improving overall efficiency. The service offerings include:

    • Test Automation: iLAB designs, develops, and implements automated testing solutions to streamline and accelerate the testing process. This helps clients achieve faster test execution and improved productivity.
    • Test Process Improvement: iLAB identifies and implements best practices for testing, including Agile and Waterfall methodologies. This ensures that the testing process is efficient, standardized, and aligned with industry standards.
    • Software Implementation and Support: iLAB provides support for software implementation, including customization and integration with existing systems. This helps clients seamlessly adopt new software solutions and maximize their benefits.
    • Technology Solutions Consulting: iLAB offers consulting services for technology solutions, including brokering licenses to help clients identify the most appropriate solutions for their needs. This ensures that clients leverage the right technology to achieve their goals.
  • Training Center

    iLAB operates a training center that offers customized training programs designed to help individuals and organizations develop the skills and knowledge needed for software development and testing. The service offerings include:

    • Individuals: iLAB offers internships, training courses, and certifications to individuals to improve their skills and advance their careers in the software industry.
    • Organizations: iLAB provides customized training solutions to address specific skill gaps and needs within organizations. This helps organizations enhance their workforce's capabilities and improve overall performance.
    • Internships: iLAB offers practical experience in software development and testing through internship programs. This provides individuals with valuable hands-on experience and exposure to real-world projects.