
John Snow Labs Trainings & Certifications

  • Workshops

    Delivering Successful Data Annotation Projects

    Data Annotation is an important part of Natural Language Processing (NLP) projects. To train a successful NLP model, it is necessary to extract data in an accurate and consistent way, combining different features such as Named-Entity Recognition (NER), Assertion Status Detection, Relation Extraction, and Text Classification.

    During this two-day training, you will develop key skills to carry out a complete annotation project using John Snow Labs’ high-productivity annotation tool: The Annotation Lab. You will also learn and practice how to develop effective Annotation Guidelines, best practices for leading a team of annotators to ensure accurate results, and how to track your project’s progress and the quality of your annotations.

    This live online training is organized in two five-hour sessions, including practical assignments. The instructors have led multiple large data annotation projects and will be available during the assignments to answer questions. The course ends with a certification exam – completing the hands-on exercises and passing the exam grants a certificate as a Certified Data Annotation Expert.

    Natural Language Processing for Business Leaders Training

    Like any other technology, Natural Language Processing (NLP) requires business, product, and design leaders to understand what it can and cannot do – so that they can understand what opportunities it holds for improving their customers’ experience and bottom line with a solid ROI.

    This five-hour live online workshop presents key concepts in NLP such as named entity recognition, document classification, transformers, pipelines, training, and annotation – but through the lens of real-world projects that got from concepts to production systems. The content is organized as a series of case studies, each starting with a business use case, diving into the solution architecture, explaining how NLP played part in the solution, and ends with best practices and lessons learned.

    The instructor is a seasoned technology executive and NLP expert who oversaw the construction & operations of dozens of AI & NLP systems, and will be available for questions during and after the workshop.

  • Virtual Trainings

    Spark NLP for Data Scientists Training & Certification

    Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a key component in many data science systems that must understand or reason about text. Common use cases include knowledge extraction, question answering, entity recognition, spell correction, sentiment analysis, and document classification.

    This two-day workshop will walk you through state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) using John Snow Labs’ open-source Spark NLP library. This is a hands-on workshop that will enable you to write, edit, and run live Python notebooks that cover the majority of the open-source library’s functionality.

    The workshop is organized in two three hour-long sessions, each followed by 30 minutes of self-guided coding, on Python notebooks relevant to each section. This is a live online workshop and the instructors will be available during the self-guided sessions to answer questions.

    The instructor is a seasoned technology executive and NLP expert who oversaw the construction & operations of dozens of AI & NLP systems, and will be available for questions during and after the workshop.

    Spark NLP for Healthcare Data Scientists Training & Certification

    Many critical facts required by healthcare AI applications – like patient risk prediction, cohort selection, automated clinical coding, and clinical decision support—are locked in unstructured free-text data. Recent advances in deep learning have raised the bar on achievable accuracy for tasks like named entity recognition, assertion status detection, entity resolution, deidentification, and others.

    Spark NLP for Healthcare provides production-grade, scalable, and trainable implementation of novel healthcare-specific natural language processing (NLP) algorithms and models. The product is licensed by John Snow Labs, the creator of Spark NLP, and provides data scientists with a library and pre-trained models for the most common medical NLP tasks. This is a hands-on workshop that will enable you to write, edit, and run Python notebooks that use the product’s functionality.