
Mathematica Solutions for the Public Sector


A tested, efficient, thorough, and secure data quality assessment tool

Imersis is a leading-edge software-as-a-service built on cloud-first architecture that ingests state T-MSIS files and scores them the same way the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) does, providing results within 24 hours. Imersis decomposes the Outcomes Based Assessment (OBA) into the underlying data quality measures and validation rules per CMS’ specifications. It allows users to pinpoint specific data quality issues, root out the source of bad data, and remediate data quality concerns by providing errant records and by showing record counts at each step in the measure calculation. Imersis clients also have access to Mathematica’s T-MSIS experts to help effectively and efficiently use Imersis to improve T-MSIS data quality scores and accelerate data quality progress.

Imersis provides an unlimited sandbox for testing. States can avoid costly change requests by testing system modifications and code changes in Imersis before implementing in production. Through the compare submissions functionality, Imersis enables users to have confidence that MES modules are ready to go-live by comparing legacy MMIS data submissions to MES module submissions. When it is time for CMS certification, Imersis can help you view your data the same way CMS does so you know the results before you send them the data.