Permuta’s FederalReady™ resolving challenges around Workforce Management

FederalReady™ is a proven modular secure application suite that streamlines action steps, approval processes, tracks people, training, readiness, qualifications, skill certifications, manages positions and talent, sources qualified teams to meet specific mission requirements, and increases collaboration across multiple functional areas. 

Efficiently screen and onboard talent, manage org charts, day-to-day tasks, and career progression. Plan, train, and certify your workforce to keep your agency strong and agile. Our application’s mentorship tools help you train and upskill your workforce to meet current and emerging challenges. Stakeholders at all levels will move from inefficient, manual data pulls and stove piped methods, to an automated real time system developed by Permuta, allowing for precise and accurate requirement driven views of trends in the agency at a moment’s notice. Data, whether imported or locally tracked, are further curated then accessible in visualizations of charts and 'drill-through' dashboards for real-time reporting — with native exporting to reports, Word, PDF, and Excel. Real-time planning and timely multi-tier decision making is finally here.

One example of a tool in our application suite is the dynamic “Organization Planning Calendar” which looks at agency level events as well as individual events. Now planning for any event will become exceedingly easy to strategize and execute, while accounting for inevitable change in personnel and competing priorities. This will save your agency substantial time and immense training costs.

FederalReady™ continues to provide a proven, comprehensive, customizable solution to help streamline information, increase collaboration, and facilitate the ability of personnel at all levels to remain focused on their critical activities. Because it is purpose-built for the government and pre-configured to its’ needs, implementation can occur far more rapidly than lengthy custom development iteration cycles. It is also future-proof through low-code/no-code extensions of the product to suit local requirements and compliance.

Here are just a few capabilities highlighted across 8 bundles (Workplace, Workforce, Training, Security, Mission, Finance, Medical, and Assets):

  • Provides agency strength (Shortfall analysis)
  • Provides dynamic real-time Org Chart
  • Provides Position and Vacancy Management
  • Provides onboarding tools and process checklists
  • Provides employee ranking
  • Provides performance and evaluation tracking
  • Provides dynamic Agency Planning Calendar (shows availability)
  • Tracks upskilling, skill training plans, and certifications
  • Tracks career progression
  • Tracks education and continuing education
  • Provides requirement planning and resource assignments
  • Track organizational and individual assets
  • Tracks government fleet vehicles
  • Track Medical Screening, Vaccinations, Profiles and Recovery
  • Schedule classes and govern attendance
  • Track security clearances
  • Track security screening and onboarding
  • Track security incidents
  • Globally search to find exact person

Additional valuable features:

  • Role based security
  • Encrypted data
  • Cloud IL6 or lower, or On-premises
  • CAC/PIV single sign on
  • Native integration with Microsoft 365 and PowerPlatform
  • COTS solution yet configurable
  • Import, Migrate, Integrate with any data source
  • Export data to Federal or local PDF forms
  • Attach documents to records
  • Fast track ATOs
  • Easy to implement and use

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