
Stop stealthy phishing attacks with effortless computer vision AI.

Credential phishing is the origin of 95% of data breaches and the number one cause of ransomware in the public sector. Credential theft of email and other business collaboration accounts at public organizations can result in a number of devastating outcomes. For example, it can result in sensitive personal data leaks and lateral opportunities for adversaries to compromise further accounts and deliver ransomware.

Pixm protects public sector organizations and employees from spear phishing with effortless computer vision AI in the browser. Pixm’s AI proactively protects public sector employees from phishing links at point of click with a frictionless browser extension. Its effortless solution protects users proactively from links delivered through email, Slack, SMS, or other business collaboration tools. Pixm protection deploys in a matter of minutes to unlimited devices and, to date, has protected thousands of public officials and executives from spear phishing links that were clicked after they bypassed existing email protection, cloud security, firewalls and human training efforts.

Pixm’s protection is powered by state of the art convolutional networks trained on millions of phishing and web payloads. This enables Pixm protection to detect and stop brand new phishing attacks that have no signatures with previously identified attacks. It deploys as a frictionless browser extension so that it catches stealthy attacks that bypass email protection and attacks delivered through multiple channels, including mobile, SMS, social media and QR codes. Once deployed, the browser extensions are updated automatically and require no management.

Pixm offers security stakeholders at public organizations unique visibility into the types of phishing threats clicked by their users. This first of its kind data shows which user groups present the highest risks based on how users click on actual phishing links, allowing security practitioners to focus awareness efforts. It also allows stakeholders to see what specific accounts attackers target and where additional protections may be warranted.