
Pryon Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Pryon RAG Suite
    • Pryon RAG Suite includes best-in-class ingestion, retrieval, and generative engines that serve as the building blocks for safe and secure generative AI solutions.
    • Pryon’s Retrieval-as-a-Service transforms critical, fragmented, and ever-changing content into accurate, quick, and verifiable answers delivered where and when they’re needed.
  • Pryon Ingestion Engine
    • Pryon’s no-code Ingestion Engine reads content like a human and converts unstructured content into structured data, ready for retrieval.
    • Accesses content with prebuilt connectors, using OCR & visual segmentation to ingest multimodal content.
    • Cleans and transforms data into a vectorized representation.
    • Chunks relevant data and generates content embeddings.
  • Pryon Retrieval Engine
    • Pryon Retrieval Engine excels at matching user queries to your ingested content, resulting in accurate responses generated in just milliseconds and available through an API.
    • Understands a user’s intent using an array of advanced techniques and generates query embeddings.
    • Matches query embeddings to the most relevant content via distance measures.
    • Delivers ranked content chunks with short answers, source attribution, and document metadata.
  • Pryon Generative Engine
    • Pryon Generative Engine offers developers a flexible, reliable, and LLM-agnostic toolkit for implementing generative LLM orchestration based on trusted content.
    • Mitigates the hallucination and security risks of consumer-grade generative tools.
    • Generative LLM orchestration prompts public, custom, or Pryon-developed LLMs to provide smooth, succinct answers.
    • Helps developers evaluate different LLMs and choose the best one for their needs.