
Pulselight Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Program Integrity/ Fraud, Waste, & Abuse Solution

    Pulselight gives Medicaid Program Integrity (MPI) teams instant answers for their audits, investigations, complaints, referrals, and management responsibilities. We do this with our innovative Software as a Service (鈥淪aaS鈥) product 鈥 Pulselight and the Torch庐 platform - which are always one step ahead of the pack.

  • Incident Detection Solution

    Our Incident Detection System was specifically designed to help state agencies that oversee waiver populations to better take advantage of Medicaid claims and other available data for a variety of purposes, such as: detecting unreported Critical Incidents, accessing medical and incident histories for individuals, measuring the impact of challenges like the workforce shortage and tracking outcomes of initiatives addressing those challenges, trending adverse events and conditions across populations, ranking provider performance, and ensuring equitable care.

  • Drug Utilization Solution

    Our web-based platform ingests, enriches and hosts data you already have (like Medicaid claims, prescription records and data from Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs), to provide fast and meaningful answers within months from project start. With our Drug Utilization solution, you can: find patient populations and individuals at risk of addiction and overdose; target your treatment and prevention programs to high need populations; track and measure the effectiveness of treatment and prevention using advanced clinical measures and insightful visualizations; identify over prescribers and ineffective providers to reduce opportunity for user abuse, and more.