
RiskLens Featured Capabilities

RiskLens is constantly innovating to make cyber risk quantification using the FAIR™ standard faster and easier.

  • Rapid Risk Assessment

    The RiskLens Rapid Risk Assessment combats speed and clarity constraints, allowing security and risk teams to quickly identify and prioritize top risks using built-in features that accelerate data gathering and analysis.

    Learn more about the Rapid Risk Assessment here

  • Top Risk Assessment

    Following initial identification of risks through Rapid Risk Assessment, a detailed Top Risk Assessment takes a closer look at the most material events by collecting more data about the risk drivers to provide a more accurate view of risk.

  • Risk Treatment Analysis

    Once top risks are thoroughly understood, organizations can use Risk Treatment Analysis to evaluate which controls options are most effective, to optimize both spending and risk exposure. Users can evaluate which control options are most effective in reducing risk to an acceptable level.

    Learn more about the Risk Treatment Analysis here