
Sumo Logic Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Troubleshooting and Monitoring

    Go from troubleshooting to fixing – fast

    Collect log data across cloud services and on-premises
to analyze and troubleshoot issues before they impact
the health of your applications and systems.

  • Cloud Infrastructure and Security

    Seamlessly manage and secure your cloud attack surface

    Your changing attack surface needs increased threat visibility and deep security context from use-case-driven queries, dashboards and alerts.

  • Compliance and Audit

    Save time while avoiding compliance risk

    Quickly demonstrate security best practices and compliance readiness at cloud-native scale for sensitive data across all your public cloud, multi-cloud and on-premises environments.

  • Cloud SIEM

    Cloud-native SIEM for cloud-native threats

    Speed up incident investigations by automatically triaging alerts and correlating threats through log analytics.

  • Log Management

    Your solution to go from chaos to clarity

    Break down silos and use modern log management tools to improve your monitoring and troubleshooting, increase your security posture, and gain key business insights.

  • Infrastructure Monitoring

    Complete infrastructure monitoring for complete peace of mind

    Get a complete view of your cloud infrastructure, on-prem and hybrid environments with Sumo Logic Infrastructure Monitoring. Make smarter decisions, throttle and optimize capacity, reduce unplanned outages and resolve application performance issues before they impact users.

  • Application Observability

    Full stack application monitoring and observability

    Reduce downtime and solve customer-impacting issues faster with an integrated observability platform for all of your application data including logs, metrics, and traces across the entire development lifecycle.

  • AWS Monitoring

    See across your AWS environment to resolve issues faster

    Use Sumo Logic’s deep AWS integrations and out-of-the-box content for unified visibility of AWS services and lightning-fast troubleshooting.

  • Kubernetes Monitoring

    Troubleshoot cluster issues faster

    Get a top-to-bottom DevSecOps view — from your Kubernetes clusters to your application, and cloud and on-premises infrastructure. With insights into anomalous, container, application, host and network activity you can audit Kubernetes events and detect unexpected activity faster.

  • SecOps

    Modernize your SecOps workflows

    Automatically triage alerts, detect threats across all your data sources and speed up incident investigations in your security operations center (SOC).

  • Threat Detection

    Threat detection and investigation — see the risks that matter the most

    Get the visibility security analysts need to address advanced threats before they impact operations. Monitor, alert and analyze data in real-time across your security tools, cloud infrastructures and SaaS applications to quickly investigate and respond to cyber threats.

  • PCI Compliance

    Make the Grade in Handling Customer Billing Information

    With the PCI Compliance App for Sumo Logic, you can meet evolving PCI requirements without the data hassle or the burden of self-policing.

  • Security Data Lake

    Collect, store, search and analyze data

    Store and use unstructured and structured data in a single security data lake. Cost-effectively demonstrate compliance plus threat detection and investigation from a central, secured location

  • Security Orchestration (SOAR)

    The better way to scale your SecOps processes

    Automate real-time threat investigation, incident management and threat response while reducing false positives and analyst fatigue.