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Zero Trust Data Security Management Solution for Public Sector

Symmetry Systems helps government and other public sector entities protect their most sensitive information with cutting-edge, data security technology, known as DataGuard, that secures data from the data out, not the perimeter in.

When attacks and data breaches happen, cybercriminals and nation-state threat actors are often looking for one thing: sensitive and secret information. That information could range from basic employee data to military, science, and technology secrets.

Based on award-winning research from the University of Texas at Austin, Symmetry Systems founders built DataGuard to secure sensitive and mission-critical data by identifying the types of sensitive data held, where that data is located, who has access to that data, and how the data is being used. Traditional security solutions are focused on protecting endpoint technologies and users—not that data itself. DataGuard takes a data-centric approach to security, by focusing on the sensitive data itself, instead of trying to secure only the users and the endpoints.

Symmetry Systems is a pioneer in the creation of “Data Security Posture Management (DSPM),” which uses a deployment approach that integrates Zero Trust and can examine data in different environments—the cloud, on-prem, or both—at the same time. DataGuard runs entirely in the customers’ cloud to ensure the customer has comprehensive control over data.