
Thentia Solutions for the Public Sector

  • License Registration and Renewals

    Reduce the amount of time spent reconciling paper documents and check payments. With Thentia Cloud, you can centralize, digitize, and automate your agency’s license registration and renewal processes within a secure and user-friendly platform that’s accessible anywhere.

  • Quality Assurance and Continuing Competence/Education

    Performance tracking capabilities are vital to the development and maintenance of quality standards in any professional practice. With Thentia Cloud, licensees can easily update and track their continuing education and professional development activities, giving them a holistic view of their progress as they work towards completion of the required credits or hours for ongoing certification.

  • Complaints and Investigations

    Maintain accurate, up-to-date records that are easily accessible and centralized in a single licensee database. With Thentia Cloud, regulators can capture and manage all information related to case management – from complaint initiation to resolution.

  • Board and Committee Management

    Communication with stakeholders has traditionally been manual and time consuming. With Thentia Cloud, staff no longer need to manually track members in spreadsheets or send meeting documents by way of email. Thentia Cloud enables regulators to manage all committees and member records in one environment, as well as distribute meeting invitations and files in one place.

  • Finance and Payments

    Eliminate manual check payments and enable your licensees to quickly pay fees online, tracking all important payment transaction details within one environment. With a fully integrated payment processing virtual terminal that’s PCI compliant, licensees can pay fees directly in their user account, and regulators can review and process payment transactions directly inside the staff portal.

  • Communication Management

    Automate and simplify all your email communications to licensees and stakeholders within one easy-to-navigate platform. With direct email capability as well as integrations with Microsoft Outlook, regulators can create, schedule, and send automated communications for every occasion.

  • Reporting and Analytics

    Gone are the days of manually manipulating datasets in spreadsheets. With just a few clicks, regulators can visualize and export the most complex of queries using any combination of data fields tracked in the system, with the option to export to Excel for more in-depth statistical analysis.