
Automated data synthesis to advance data privacy.

Tonic.ai was born out of a very tangible, practical need: equipping developers with high-quality, realistic data for dev and testing. Admittedly, it makes us sound like just another developer tool, but at the core of that need is our belief for why it truly matters. We wholeheartedly believe that data privacy is a human right.

It isn’t just about complying with the latest regulation. It’s about helping organizations treat data the way we’d like our own data to be treated. Our team is uniquely equipped to solve this challenge, and in the long run, the solutions we’re building stand to benefit us all.

Tonic empowers developers while protecting customer privacy by enabling companies to create safe, synthetic versions of their data for use in software development, testing, and data science.

Tonic has built-in privacy to simplify compliance:

  • Privacy reports: Monitor the level of protection achieved and maintain records of every data generation run.
  • Schema change alerts: Stop sensitive data from leaking into lower environments with automated schema change detection.
  • Workspace management: Streamline privacy settings across your organization with Workspace Inheritance, RBAC, and collaboration features. Apply different privacy to ensure the strongest degree of protection and satisfy the requirements of GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, and every other regulation on the horizon.
  • Self-hosted deployment: Keep your data at its source by deploying Tonic self-hosted to your own VPC or even air-gapped.

Founded in 2018, with offices in San Francisco, Atlanta, and New York, the company is pioneering enterprise tools for database subsetting, de-identification, and synthesis. Thousands of developers use data generated with Tonic on a daily basis to build their products faster in industries as wide ranging as healthcare, financial services, logistics, edtech, and e-commerce. Working with customers like eBay, The Motley Fool, Flexport, and Everlywell, Tonic.ai innovates to advance their goal of advocating for the privacy of individuals while enabling companies to do their best work. For more information, visit or follow @tonicfakedata on Twitter.

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