
  • NextGov FCW: Data is Not Enough

    Graph database technology is a powerful tool for federal agencies to make sense of complex data, pinpoint issues and even enhance cybersecurity. CPO at Neo4j, Sudhir Hasbe explains its significance and capabilities including the comprehensive visualization tool, enabling agencies to make informed decisions and improve operations.

    • Artificial Intelligence, Neo4j
  • How a Graph Data Model Can Boost Cybersecurity

    Dr. Michael Moore, principal of partner solutions and technologies at Neo4j, explains why a graph database platform is a powerful way to unlock insights into security vulnerabilities and solutions.

    • Cybersecurity , Neo4j
  • Increasing the Value of Data Starts with Further Breaking Down Silos

    Sudhir Hasbe, CPO at Neo4j, explores different approaches to cyber threats with data assets.

    • Artificial Intelligence, Neo4j