
  • GovTech Report: Best of What's New in Government Performance and Innovation

    As data tools and strategies mature, governments across the nation are using analytics to address specific community concerns. Learn how state and local agencies are leveraging cloud-based tools and enterprise strategies to move toward a more data-driven and automated future.

    • Emerging Technologies, All
  • New Opportunities to Modernize Security

    Jon Ramsey, Secureworks CTO, explains how IT modernization is opening up innovative ways to tackle cyberthreats.

    • Emerging Technologies, Secureworks
  • Building a Future-Ready IT Infrastructure

    Michael Houlihan, Senior Director of the DoD Sales Team at VMware, discusses how modernization efforts are gaining momentum as the pandemic spurs progress in key areas.

    • CMMC, Emerging Technologies, VMware
  • Succeeding with Software in the Modern Digital World

    Mikey McCormack and Aaron Swain of the VMware Tanzu Federal Leadership Team explain why government agencies should look to Silicon Valley to understand how to build, modernize and deliver software.

    • Emerging Technologies, VMware
  • Turning Data Into Insight

    GovTech's research team examines the trends behind how cloud-based tools and enterprise strategies are helping agencies get smarter faster.

    • Emerging Technologies, All
  • Executive Viewpoint: A Conversation with Maria Roat

    Maria Roat, Deputy Administrator and Deputy Federal CIO, Office of E-Government and IT, Office of Management and Budget, discusses how OMB develops guidance and works with the CIO Council to support modernization efforts.

    • Emerging Technologies, All
  • FCW Report: On the Road to IT Modernization

    Agencies pivoted quickly to support remote work and online services during the pandemic. Now they must find ways to keep moving forward and clear the remaining roadblocks to modernization.

    • Emerging Technologies, All
  • How Open Source Concepts Are Permeating All Aspects of IT Modernization

    Jason Corey, Senior Director of Emerging Technologies at Red Hat details how open source concepts are permeating all aspects of IT modernization, including scope alignment, change in work practices, risk avoidance and need for permissions.

    • Emerging Technologies, Open Source, Red Hat
  • Visibility and Automation Are Keys to Managing Complex Hybrid Environments

    Brandon Shopp, Vice President of Product for SolarWinds, discusses how visibility is critical to understand and manage today's technology infrastructures.

    • Emerging Technologies, SolarWinds
  • Enterprise Data Clouds Help Government Get Smarter and More Predictive

    Joe Perrino, Regional Vice President of Civilian and SLED for Cloudera, explains how an enterprise data cloud can help governments move toward a data-driven, automated future.

    • Emerging Technologies, Open Source, Cloudera
  • Gaining Ground on Digital Government

    FCW's research team examines how the pandemic has underscored the importance of a modern IT infrastructure that is resilient, flexible and secure.

    • Emerging Technologies, All
  • AI in 2020: Just Get Started

    Anthony Robbins of NVIDIA explains how automating mundane activities is a simple yet powerful way to begin using artificial intelligence.

    • Artificial Intelligence, Emerging Technologies, NVIDIA
  • Intelligent Data Management Prepares Agencies for a Data-Driven Future

    Mike Anderson, Chief Federal Strategist for Informatica, discusses how intelligent data management helps organizations fully embrace the strategic use of data.

    • Emerging Technologies
  • Automation Enables Governments to Address Growing Digital Risk

    Dan Carayiannis, RSA Archer Public Sector Director, discusses how government organizations can use automation and best practices to manage digital risk.

    • Emerging Technologies, RSA
  • The Future of Digital Transformation

    Steve Septoff, Vice President of Federal Sales at Dell Technologies, discusses how the increase in remote work is intensifying the government’s push for IT modernization.

    • Emerging Technologies, Dell Technologies